Remove root handler from logger

Florian Lindner mailinglists at
Mon May 14 05:15:57 EDT 2012


I configure my logging on application startup like that:

logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG, format=FORMAT, filename = logfile)
ch  = logging.StreamHandler()

In one module of my application I want a logger that does not log to logfile 
but to another file. How can I get a logger that is either plain (no handlers 
attached) or remove a handler?

The handlers that are derived from the root logger are not shown in handlers:

(Pdb) logger1.handlers
(Pdb) logging.getLogger().handlers
[<logging.FileHandler object at 0x7f3e8f6f0e90>, <logging.StreamHandler object 
at 0x7f3e8f731450>]

How can I remove the FileHandler and StreamHandler from logger1 without 
affecting the root logger?

logger1.removeHandler() does not work since there are no handlers on logger1.



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