PyTextile Question

dinkypumpkin at dinkypumpkin at
Mon May 7 09:13:28 EDT 2012

On Friday, 4 May 2012 04:39:47 UTC+1, Josh English  wrote:
> However, when I convert my multiple-paragraph text object with textile, my original line breaks are preserved. Since I'm going to HTML, I d'nt want my line breaks preserved.

I think any Textile implementation will preserve line breaks within a paragraph by converting them to BR tags.  Both RedCloth and PyTextile do, anyway.

> I've tried several ways of pre-processing the text in the node, but pytextile still gives me line breaks.

Below is a test script that shows one way I've dealt with this issue in the past by reformatting paragraphs to remove embedded line breaks.  YMMV.

import re, textile
print "INPUT1:"
s1 = """This is a long multi-line description 
        with several paragraphs and hopefully, eventually, 
        proper HTML P-tags. 
        This is a new paragraph. It should be surrounded 
        by its own P-tag. 

        Hopefully (again), I won't have a bunch of unwanted 
        BR tags thrown in."""
print "OUTPUT1:"
html1 = textile.textile(s1)
print "INPUT2:"
s2 = re.sub(r'[ \t]*\n[ \t]*(\n?)[ \t]*', r' \1\1', s1, flags=re.MULTILINE)
print "OUTPUT2:"
html2 = textile.textile(s2)

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