GUIs - a modest proposal

lkcl luke.leighton at
Fri Mar 2 00:42:13 EST 2012

folks hi, apologies for picking this up so late - it's only when i
find these things through random searches that i encounter the
occasional post.

At some point wayyyy in the distant past, g4b wrote:

> On the subject of the gui discussion mentioned here last year,
> which you get lead to if you read around in the pyjamas docs,
> I have to admit, since I know both development types (gwt, wx, qt)
> and (django, jquery), I have to state the fact, that pyjamas should
> also consider bonding with native javascript library developments.

 ah.  right.  you're either referring to pyjampiler (in the pyjs
world) or to
 a vunnderbarr hidden iframe trick (in the pyjd world) where the
 execution results of a random javascript function has to store its
 results in the iframe (in JSON format) in order for the python world
 to monitor it, pick it up, decode it and pretend that nothing weird

 the former actually got taken to an extreme by a group who embedded
 the pyjs 0.5 compiler into their application environment, i keep
 what it's called.

 but yes, they just put an "@decorator" in front of functions in the
 source code, automatic recompile server-side, absolutely superb

> I was just looking at pyquery, a python implementation of jquery,
> which could easily backbone jquery itself on the python end.

 you _what_??? pyquery?  bizarre!  you mean this?

> Now this is not pyjamas' task, but the pyjs compiler could be used,
> so that jquery code could be written for both languages.

 with a bit of coordination between the projects? yes, quite likely.
$ however isn't a valid python variable name.  but i get the point.

> Long story short: if you could write jquery in python which actually
> compiles into jquery in javascript, and even runs on python itself,
> you could deploy widgets natively from python in django,
> and dont have to leave python to improve webapplications with its native strengths.

 oh i see what you mean - compiling into jquery.  yes, that would take
care of the $ problem.

 that actually wouldn't be too hard to do, either.

it'd also make an extremely neat GSoC project.


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