Help me with a bytes decoding problem in python 3

Chris Angelico rosuav at
Thu Jun 21 18:36:25 EDT 2012

On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 8:30 AM, J <dreadpiratejeff at> wrote:
> I'm wondering now... the way it works is that the program is run from
> a user terminal/console.  however, on the other side (after the reboot
> is done) it runs via an autostart script after the user is logged in,
> and thus runs outside of the terminal.  So I wonder if THAT could be
> the root cause of this headache...  maybe there's something about the
> program being run outside of a user shell and generating those
> characters that causes the hang.

It may be a difference in the default encoding of STDIN/STDOUT. When
you're running in a terminal, they're probably being set to UTF-8, so
Python's reading and writing will be in Unicode; possibly it's set to

import sys

There are many potential differences between TTY access and whatever
happens on startup. How is your script being invoked? Is it through
Upstart? I know you can arrange where stdio go in Upstart scripts.


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