validating XML

andrea crotti andrea.crotti.0 at
Wed Jun 13 11:45:20 EDT 2012

So as far as I understood what I should do is the following.
Go through my own XML keeping track of the full path of everything for


and so on, then for every entry found in this iteration, check the schema
to make sure that that particular construct is allowed
on that level of the tree.

I have something like this for example that creates a dictionary from an
element tree element...
Does it make sense or am I going in the wrong direction?

def etree_to_dict(xml_file):
    """Takes the root node from the XML and generates a dictionary
    dic = {}
    etree = ElementTree.parse(open(xml_file))
    root = list(etree.iter())[0]
    queue = [root]

    while queue:
        el = queue.pop()
        childs = el.getchildren()
        queue += childs
        dic[el] = childs

    return dic
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