Interprocess comunication

Julio Sergio juliosergio at
Thu Jun 7 12:04:42 EDT 2012

I'm trying to call an external process to filter some of my data, i.e., I'm 
trying to pass some information to the called process, and have this information 
back transformed. I started testing with the linux 'cat' command, in this way:

->>> import subprocess as sp
->>> p = sp.Popen(["cat"],stdin=sp.PIPE,stdout=sp.PIPE,close_fds=True)
->>> (fi,fo) = (p.stdin, p.stdout)
->>> fi.write("SOMETHING\n")
->>> fi.flush()
->>> fo.readline()
->>> fi.write("OTHER\n")
->>> fi.flush()
->>> fo.readline()
->>> fi.write("NEXT\n")
->>> fi.flush()
->>> fo.readline()
->>> fi.write("NEXT1\n")
->>> fi.flush()
->>> s = fo.readline()
->>> s

Up to this point it worked as expected. However, when I tryied with the methods 
that write and read several lines, apparently the process got stalled:

->>> fi.writelines(["uno\n","dos\n","tres\n"])
->>> fi.flush()
->>> s = fo.readlines()

Do you have any comments on this?



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