mistake in python tutorial

Miriam Gomez Rios miriam.gomezrs at udlap.mx
Tue Jun 5 21:43:07 EDT 2012

Hello, I think that the example in section 4.4 in the tutorial for python 2.7X is wrong.


It will end up printing this if you run the exact code listed in the tutorial.

3 is a prime number

4 equals 2*2

5 is a prime number

5 is a prime number

5 is a prime number

6 equals 2 * 3

7 is a prime number

7 is a prime number

7 is a prime number

7 is a prime number

7 is a prime number

8 equals 2*4

9 is a prime number

9 equals 3*3

I believe it is because the is no break in " else print n is a prime number" and

it never prints anything about number 2 because the second for is like range(2,2)

which is empty so it does nothing.

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