
Irmen de Jong irmen.NOSPAM at xs4all.nl
Mon Jun 4 16:35:10 EDT 2012

On 4-6-2012 0:01, Janet Heath wrote:

> Thanks Alain.  I should have a compiler on my Mac OS X Lion.  I am thinking that it
> isn't set in my $PATH variable.  I don't know where the $PATH is set at.  I will
> check to see if their is a binary.

You'll have to have the Apple Developer tools (xcode) installed to get a c-compiler, but
maybe that's the case on your mac already. (Weird though, it should add gcc -the
compiler- to the PATH by itself, I don't recall having to change that myself.)

In any case, there is a .dmg with a binary installer for Python 2.7.3 available for
download at python.org [1] so there should not really be a need to compile it yourself.
If you really do need to compile it yourself, consider using Homebrew [2] to install it,
instead of downloading the source and compiling it manually. With homebrew it's a simple
'brew install python' and a few minutes later it's done. It will be lot easier to
install 3rd party library dependencies this way too.


[1] http://python.org/download/releases/2.7.3/
[2] http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/

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