classes and __iter__

Ian Kelly ian.g.kelly at
Mon Jan 9 18:20:32 EST 2012

On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 3:51 PM, david.garvey at
<david.garvey at> wrote:
> ...     def __iter__(self):
> ...         return iter(self.keylist, self.d)

This method is incorrect.  The 2-argument form of iter() is very
different from the 1-argument form.  Whereas the 1-argument form takes
an iterable, the 2-argument form takes a callable and a sentinel
value.  In that case, iter() attempts to call the callable until the
sentinel is returned.  In your code, it would attempt to call the
keylist (which would fail with a TypeError) until it returned the
dictionary as a result.  This would be more in line with what you're
trying to do:

def __iter__(self):
    for key in self.keylist:
        yield key, self.d[key]

>>>> for key in helo.keylist:
> ...     print "Key:%s Value:%s" %(key,helo.d[key])

Note that this works because you're not actually using the class's
__iter__ method here.  You're iterating over the keylist directly, not
over the containing class instance.

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