xlrd 0.7.2 released!

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Tue Feb 21 04:17:13 EST 2012

Hi All,

I'm pleased to announce the release of xlrd 0.7.2. This release, like 
the xlwt release, is long overdue and has been over 2.5 years in the making!

The highlights:

- All messaging and debug logging is now written to the logfile provided 
to open_workbook.

- Tolerant handling of file with non-standard compound document header

- Tolerant handling of files with extra zero bytes at end of NUMBER record

- Handle mostly-BIFF8 file with BIFF5-7 WINDOWS2 record

- Handle dodgy version 2.x .xls files.

- Added support for HYPERLINK extraction

- Added access to cell notes/comments.

- Enable reading files created by pyXLWriter -- puts BIFF8 MERGEDCELLS 
record in a BIFF5 file.

- Fixed a file-locking issue on Windows when an exception was raised in 
open_workbook() and on_demand was True

- Book objects are now context managers

- Rich text formatting information is now extracted

- Page breaks information is now extracted

- Some improvements in zoom factor handling

- PANE records are now processed

- Some memory and performance enhancements

For a full list of the changes, please see the svn log:


I've currently only put up .tar.gz sdists, if anyone requires anything 
else, please explain why and I'll be happy to add!



Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing & Python Consulting
             - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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