Finding the name of a function while defining it

Roy Smith roy at
Tue Dec 25 22:11:28 EST 2012

In article <c9548d77-ccc3-4b47-b84b-9a9f0c2852ce at>,
 Abhas Bhattacharya <abhasbhattacharya2 at> wrote:

> While I am defining a function, how can I access the name (separately as 
> string as well as object) of the function without explicitly naming 
> it(hard-coding the name)?
> For eg. I am writing like:
> def abc():
>     #how do i access the function abc here without hard-coding the name?

Do you need it at compile-time, or is it good enough to have the name a 
run-time?  Assuming the latter, then I'm thinking the traceback module 
is your friend.  Call traceback.extract_stack() and pull off the last 
frame in the stack.  The function name will be in there.

There may be a cleaner way, but that's what I've done in the past.

I've only ever wanted the name.  If you need the actual function object, 
I suppose you might eval() the name, or something like that.

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