how to detect the encoding used for a specific text data ?

Dave Angel d at
Fri Dec 21 09:14:29 EST 2012

On 12/21/2012 07:38 AM, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
> <snip>
> On a related note: how to answer question with no context on mailing
> list? 

Depends on how you're reading/responding.  I'll assume you're using an
email client like Thunderbird, and that you do NOT subscribe in digest form.

Most general way is to use Reply-All, and remove any recipients you
don't want there, but make sure you keep the python-list recipient.

Alternatively, if you're using Thunderbird or another with similar
capability, use Reply-list, which is smart enough to only keep the list

Or, what I used to do, reply, then add the python-list at to the
list of recipients.  That's error prone.

I hope this answers your question.



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