log4py confusion

Rob Richardson RDRichardson at rad-con.com
Thu Dec 13 15:05:49 EST 2012

I think I have the answer.  All I need to do is use the str() function to convert the object stored in logFile from a Unicode string to a normal string:



-----Original Message-----
From: Python-list [mailto:python-list-bounces+rob.richardson=rad-con.com at python.org] On Behalf Of Rob Richardson
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 2:52 PM
To: python-list at python.org
Subject: RE: log4py confusion

Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think that can be it.  At least, it's not it on the line you specified.  That form, with the target name given as a hard-coded string, is in use in every Python script our company uses.  So, set_target() is expecting a file instead of a file name, there must be some implicit conversion going on that creates a file object of the given name before setting the log target to the file.  

On the other hand, it would certainly explain the " 'Unicode' object does not have attribute 'write' " message.  A file object would be expected to have an attribute named 'write', while a string object wouldn't.  

The error happens after the target is changed to a file name contained in a variable.  Why doesn't that implicit conversion work with a string contained in a variable?  Do I have to do an explicit cast of some kind?  Or, probably better, I should probably look up how to create a file object so I can pass it in to the set_target() function.

That's one reason I asked for documentation on log4py: so I could see what methods are available, and what arguments they actually expect.

Thanks again!


-----Original Message-----
From: Python-list [mailto:python-list-bounces+rob.richardson=rad-con.com at python.org] On Behalf Of MRAB
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 2:35 PM
To: python-list at python.org
Subject: Re: log4py confusion

On 2012-12-13 18:58, Rob Richardson wrote:
> Greetings!
> I have finally gotten fed up with all of the Python scripts used in my 
> company that have every parameter hard-coded.  I am rewriting one of 
> them to read all of its parameters from an XML file.  Then, we can 
> change the XML file to control which database it is using, whether its 
> running in debug mode or not, and various other things.  One of the 
> parameters I want the XML file to contain is the name of the script's 
> log file.
> I have a class named Settings that will contain all the parameters 
> read from the XML file.  But if something goes wrong, I want to log 
> it.  So, I want to have a Logger object for it to use.  I use a 
> hard-coded file name for that.  Then, after reading the XML file, I 
> want to create a second Logger object that will be used by the rest of the script.
> When I try to use the second Logger object, I get an exception 
> complaining that 'unicode' object has no attribute 'write'.
> The script and the exception messages are below.  Can anyone see what 
> I'm doing wrong?
I think the problem might be that it's expecting a file object, not a file name/path as you have here:



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