log4py confusion

Rob Richardson RDRichardson at rad-con.com
Thu Dec 13 13:58:21 EST 2012


I have finally gotten fed up with all of the Python scripts used in my company that have every parameter hard-coded.  I am rewriting one of them to read all of its parameters from an XML file.  Then, we can change the XML file to control which database it is using, whether its running in debug mode or not, and various other things.  One of the parameters I want the XML file to contain is the name of the script's log file.

I have a class named Settings that will contain all the parameters read from the XML file.  But if something goes wrong, I want to log it.  So, I want to have a Logger object for it to use.  I use a hard-coded file name for that.  Then, after reading the XML file, I want to create a second Logger object that will be used by the rest of the script.

When I try to use the second Logger object, I get an exception complaining that 'unicode' object has no attribute 'write'.

The script and the exception messages are below.  Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?

Can anyone point me to a web site documenting the log4py module?

Thank you very much.


import os

import sys

import string

import win32api

import win32event

import win32com

import win32com.client

import win32net

import pythoncom

import time

import log4py

import xml.dom.minidom as minidom

import argparse

#Set to 1 to run loop once for debugging, set to 0 for operation

#Debug = 1

class DataElement:

    value = None

    def __init__(self, element = None):

        if element != None:


    def GetData(self, element):

        nodes = element.childNodes

        for node in nodes:

            if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:

                self.value = node.data

    def GetDataFromRoot(self, rootElement, targetName, defaultValue):

        elements = rootElement.getElementsByTagName(targetName)

        if elements:

            dataElement = DataElement(elements[0])

            if (dataElement):

                self.value = dataElement.value


                self.value = defaultValue


            self.Value = defaultValue

    def __nonzero__(self):

        return self.value != None

class Settings:

    logFile = "TaskToCrane_somethingnew.log"

    def __init__(self):

        print "I don't know what XML file to use yet."

    def __init__(self, fileName, tempLogger):

        tempLogger.info( "Settings will come from " + fileName)

        settingsDoc = minidom.parse(fileName)

        rootElement = settingsDoc.documentElement

        # print "Root element name: " + rootElement.tagName

        programControlElement = rootElement.getElementsByTagName("ProgramControl")[0]

        logFileElement = DataElement()

        logFileElement.GetDataFromRoot(programControlElement, "LogFile", self.logFile)

        if logFileElement:

            self.logFile = logFileElement.value


            tempLogger.error("Failed to get log file name.")

    def Log(self, logger):

        logger.info("Log file: " + str(self.logFile))

if __name__ == "__main__" :

    TempLogger = log4py.Logger().get_instance("main")

    TempLogger.set_rotation(log4py.ROTATE_DAILY, 5)


    TempLogger.set_formatstring("%T - %L  %M")


    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()


    args = parser.parse_args()

    programSettings = Settings(args.settings_file, TempLogger)

    TempLogger.info("Setting actual log target to " + programSettings.logFile)

    Logger = log4py.Logger().get_instance("main")

    Logger.set_rotation(log4py.ROTATE_DAILY, 5)


    Logger.set_formatstring("%T - %L  %M")



Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "D:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin\pywin\framework\scriptutils.py", line 322, in RunScript

    debugger.run(codeObject, __main__.__dict__, start_stepping=0)

  File "D:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin\pywin\debugger\__init__.py", line 60, in run

    _GetCurrentDebugger().run(cmd, globals,locals, start_stepping)

  File "D:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin\pywin\debugger\debugger.py", line 655, in run

    exec cmd in globals, locals

  File "D:\Program Files\WinCaps\Scripts\TaskToCrane_logging.py", line 91, in <module>


  File "D:\Program Files\WinCaps\Scripts\TaskToCrane_logging.py", line 66, in Log

    logger.info("Log file: " + str(self.logFile))

  File "log4py.py", line 359, in info

    self.__Logger_showmessage(message, MSG_INFO)

 File "log4py.py", line 534, in __Logger_showmessage

    target.write("%s\n" % line)

AttributeError: 'unicode' object h
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