Data cleaning workouts

Fg Nu fgnu32 at
Fri Aug 24 02:48:17 EDT 2012

Thanks. I will try the SciPy list. It was a bit of a hail mary anyway. Pretty sure elevated Python types don't actually get their hands dirty with data. ;)

----- Original Message -----
From: rusi <rustompmody at>
To: python-list at
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 11:01 PM
Subject: Re: Data cleaning workouts

On Aug 23, 12:52 pm, Fg Nu <fgn... at> wrote:
> List folk,
> I am a newbie trying to get used to Python. I was wondering if anyone knows of web resources that teach good practices in data cleaning and management for statistics/analytics/machine learning, particularly using Python.
> Ideally, these would be exercises of the form: here is some horrible raw data --> here is what it should look like after it has been cleaned. Guidelines about steps that should always be taken, practices that should be avoided; basically, workflow of data analysis in Python with special emphasis on the cleaning part.

Since no one has answered, I suggest you narrow your searching from
'python' to 'scipy' (or 'numpy').
Also perhaps ipython.
And then perhaps try those specific mailing lists/fora.

Since I dont know this area much, not saying more.

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