_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (2005, "Unknown MySQL server host

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Aug 15 10:23:24 EDT 2012

On 15/08/2012 14:30, nepaul wrote:
> The code:
> import MySQLDB
> strCmd = "user = 'root', passwd = '123456', db = 'test', host = 'localhost'"
> _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (2005, "Unknown MySQL server host 'user = 'root', passwd = '123456', db = 'test', host = 'localhost'' (11004)")

My highly paid team of consultants suggest that you're trying to connect 
to a MySQL server host that doesn't exist.  However I'm sure that people 
on this list with more knowledge of MySQLDB than my consultants will be 
able to give you more detailed data.


Mark Lawrence.

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