pylagiarism -- Need help now! Please provide code...

Ben Finney ben+python at
Tue Aug 14 03:04:15 EDT 2012

Simon Cropper <simoncropper at> writes:

> I just had a great idea for a new python module. I haven't bothered
> googling it or doing any research.

That's the perfect time: everyone knows that ideas and enthusiasm are
the key to a successful project. Show them early, and people will flock
to you.

Mind you, it's best if you show even *more* enthusiasm by telling us
that you've been searching all day. Don't waste your time with a better
description of what you're looking for, though.

> I need help putting together some code; today preferably, my boss is
> on my back. Can someone please contribute a functioning module showing
> me how to do it?

You have exactly the right approach. I'm sure this is just how you
learned to program in your tertiary school: ask who has already done
your work, without wasting time thinking about the problem.

> So, now you know where I am coming from, I would like to thank you for
> all your help. Remember though, I need help now, so please stop what
> you are doing and submit something quickly. I'm waiting...

How can this approach fail! I anticipate you will have a working program

 \       “If you always want the latest and greatest, then you have to |
  `\          buy a new iPod at least once a year.” —Steve Jobs, MSNBC |
_o__)                                             interview 2006-05-25 |
Ben Finney

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