Running Python web apps on shared ASO servers?

Tim Golden mail at
Sun Aug 12 17:26:19 EDT 2012

On 12/08/2012 21:52, Gilles wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Aug 2012 07:56:26 +0200, Dieter Maurer
> <dieter at> wrote:
>> You should probably read the mentioned forum resources to learn
>> details about the Python support provided by your web site hoster.
> Yup, but so far, no answer, so I figured someone here might now.
> Those articles seem to indicate that CGI isn't a good solution when
> mod_python isn't available

Just to make a point: one person's "isn't a good solution" is another 
person's "works perfectly well for me". Modern servers are really quite 
quick: the cost of starting up a Python process and generating an HTML 
page can be really quite low. I've certainly had low-traffic production 
websites running for years on CGI without anyone complaining.

If speed was an issue or if I thought that I'd be getting more requests 
than I am then I'd consider a more sophisticated solution.


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