f python?

Xah Lee xahlee at gmail.com
Mon Apr 9 01:45:13 EDT 2012

Xah Lee wrote:

« http://xahlee.org/comp/fuck_python.html »

David Canzi wrote

«When Microsoft created MS-DOS, they decided to use '\' as the
separator in file names.  This was at a time when several previously
existing interactive operating systems were using '/' as the file name
separator and at least one was using '\' as an escape character.  As a
result of Microsoft's decision to use '\' as the separator, people
have had to do extra work to adapt programs written for Windows to run
in non-Windows environments, and vice versa.  People have had to do
extra work to write software that is portable between these
environments.  People have done extra work while creating tools to
make writing portable software easier.  And people have to do extra
work when they use these tools, because using them is still harder
than writing portable code for operating systems that all used '/' as
their separator would have been.»

namekuseijin wrote:

> yes, absolutely.  But you got 2 inaccuracies there:  1) Microsoft didn't create DOS; 2) fucking DOS was written in C, and guess what, it uses \ as escape character.  Fucking microsoft.
> > So, when you say fuck Python, are you sure you're shooting at the
> > right target?
> I agree.  Fuck winDOS and fucking microsoft.

No. The choice to use backslash than slash is actually a good one.

because, slash is one of the useful char, far more so than backslash.
Users should be able to use that for file names.

i don't know the detailed history of path separator, but if i were to
blame, it's fuck unix. The entirety of unix, unix geek, unixers, unix
fuckheads. Fuck unix.

〈On Unix Filename Characters Problem〉

〈On Unix File System's Case Sensitivity〉

〈UNIX Tar Problem: File Length Truncation, Unicode Name Support〉

〈What Characters Are Not Allowed in File Names?〉

〈Unicode Support in File Names: Windows, Mac, Emacs, Unison, Rsync,
USB, Zip〉

〈The Nature of the Unix Philosophy〉


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