Number of languages known [was Re: Python is readable] - somewhat OT

Tim Chase python.list at
Mon Apr 2 19:28:58 EDT 2012

> PHP is a language that I wish would die off quickly and
> gracefully.  I feel like the good things of PHP have already
> been subsumed into the ecosystems of stronger programming
> languages (including Python).

The one killer feature PHP has to offer over other languages: 
ease of efficient deployment on cheap/free hosting.  When I go to 
deploy Python projects, it ends up either being as slow CGI on 
the cheap/free hosting, or it ends up needing 
WSGI/gunicorn/whatever on a more expensive service (whether 
shared, VPS, or full hardware).

I dream of a day that deploying Python/Django apps is as 
cheap/easy as deploying PHP code.


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