*.sdf database access

Page3D page3d at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 16:18:19 EDT 2012

Hi, I am trying to connect and access data in a *.sdf file on Win7
system using Python 2.7. I have three questions:

1. What python module should I use? I have looked at sqlite3 and
pyodbc. However, I can seem to get the connection to the database file
setup properly.

2. How can I determine the appropriate connection string? I have
opened database file in Visual Studio and can see the tables. I don't
understand where to find the connection string in Visual Studio.

3. Assuming a module from (1) above, does anyone have a code snippet
for connecting to the database and then accessing a varbinary (image)
in one of the tables of the databese?

Thanks in advance. Dave

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