Wrote a new library - Comments and suggestions please!

Mel mwilson at the-wire.com
Tue Sep 27 15:12:20 EDT 2011

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> I googled on "SAS PROC FREQ" and found this:
> All the words are in English, but I have no idea what the function does,
> how you would call it, and what it returns. Would it have been so hard to
> show a couple of examples?

Hmm.  Yeah.  Very much so.  That's the kind of documentation I call "syntax 
happy".  It tells you how to create a well-formed PROC STAT without ever 
saying what would happen if you did, or why you might want that, whatever it 
was, to happen.  I see that kind of documentation way too often.  By 
comparison, even this <https://www.ubersoft.net/comic/hd/2011/09/losing-
sight-big-picture> might seem good.  At least they try.

"Does things to the stuff.  By default, the most recent stuff is done things 


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