recursive algorithm for balls in numbered boxes

Dr. Phillip M. Feldman Phillip.M.Feldman at
Mon Sep 12 11:47:22 EDT 2011

Mark Dickinson-2 wrote:
> This is a well-known trick:  to divide 5 (unlabeled) balls amongst 3
> (labeled) boxes, you write down sequences of 5 o's and 2 x's, where
> the o's represent the 5 balls and the 'x's represent dividers:
>     ooxooxo  -> [2, 2, 1]
>     xoooxoo  -> [0, 3, 2]
> And 'combinations(7, 2)' yields successively all the possible
> different placements for the 2 dividers in the 7 symbols.
> This question seems to come up often enough (without the box size
> limit twist) that maybe it would be useful to include something like
> this recipe in the itertool documentation.
> For getting this into itertools, I'd suggest opening a feature request
> on and assigning it to Raymond Hettinger.
> --
> Mark
> -- 

You are correct--the case without capacity limits can be handled using the
existing machinery in `itertools`.  BTW--That trick with the dividers is
discussed on page 38 of William Feller's classic text, "An Introduction to
Probability Theory and Its Applications".

As per your suggestion, I have opened a feature request and assigned it to
Raymond.  Thanks!
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