MySQLdb on Mac Lion

Ned Deily nad at
Wed Oct 12 22:00:10 EDT 2011

In article <20111013005244.GK6671 at>,
 Tim Johnson <tim at> wrote:
> I'm most experienced with MySQLdb on ubuntu, which is installed via
> apt-get or synaptic.
> I am setting up a mac mini with osX 10.7 (Lion). Macports makes
> py27-mysql 1.2.2 available, but are there any .dmg packages
> available?

I strongly recommend you stick with MacPorts or Homebrew.  There are too 
many things that can go wrong on OS X 10.6 or 10.7 if you try to install 
MySQL client libraries, MySQLdb, and Python from different places.  IME, 
the binary installers for OS X provided by the MySQL are inconsistently 
built between versions and often need the library paths need to be 
tweaked.   The only major drawback of using MacPorts is that it will 
download (and possibly build) its own version of Python but it's a small 
price to pay: search the archives of Stackoverflow to see how 
dismayingly often this topic comes up.

 Ned Deily,
 nad at

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