deepcopy does not work for A subclassed list

txismis unzetabarrenetxeagoikolea kurro.pipi at
Fri Oct 7 15:29:15 EDT 2011

This is the issue

I have created a mylist class by subclassing a List, added several attributes to mylist , and overrided the append method which takes into account one of the new attributes.

mylist class is functional and works as I planned, but when I try to deepcopy objects from mylist  I received errors because the attribute has not been copied and the override append raise an error.

When I want to deepcopy one object from mylist the algorithm does not take into account the attributes I created; ergo, I have some errors from the copy module

I can use pickle to dump and load objects from my subclass with no errors.

Any ideas about how to make the copy module to behave as expected.


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