unsupported operand type(s) for pow(): 'unicode', 'long', 'long': Pycrypto

Kayode Odeyemi dreyemi at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 13:16:59 EDT 2011

Hello everyone,

I'm writing a fairly large app which uses Oauth (python-oauth2). I am trying
to generate a
public/private key pair on user supplied parameters (whitespaced-delimited
strings basically).

When trying to encrypt the key, I'm getting the "unsupported operand type(s)
for pow(): 'unicode', 'long', 'long'"

>From Interactive shell, the program worked successfully.

My question is do I have to make the user supplied data of a non-unicode
string to make this work?


Odeyemi 'Kayode O.
http://www.sinati.com. t: @charyorde
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