Defining a new base-type in Python based off Hexavigesimal

Ian Kelly ian.g.kelly at
Wed Nov 30 11:18:39 EST 2011

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 8:19 AM, Alec Taylor <alec.taylor6 at> wrote:
> Good evening,
> I have defined a new numbering structure for certain mathematical advantages.
> How do I implement this in Python, or would I be better off writing
> this in C or C++?
> Ultra concise definition:
> LaTeX source:
> Thanks for all suggestions,

So if I am understanding your definition correctly your hexavigesimals
are ordered like this?

0, 1, ..., 9, A, B, ..., P,

0A, 0B, ..., 0P,
1A, 1B, ..., 1P,
9A, 9B, ..., 9P,

A0, A1, ..., A9,
B0, B1, ..., B9,
P0, P1, ..., P9

And that's it, since your constraints preclude anything with more than 2 digits?

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