python shell that saves history of typed in commands that will persist between reboots

Ulrich Eckhardt ulrich.eckhardt at
Thu Nov 24 09:05:55 EST 2011

Am 17.11.2011 00:59, schrieb Ben Finney:
> David Robinow<drobinow at>  writes:
>> but your code works fine on Windows. Thanks.
> I'm glad to know that. Perhaps you could investigate why, and suggest an
> update to the above documentation if it's wrong? The bug tracker at
> <URL:>  would be the appropriate place for such a
> suggestion.

Interestingly, on MS Windows (XP here), every commandline program 
inherits the history functionality (browsing with cursor up/down) from 
the shell it runs in. That means the program itself doesn't have to 
supply any of that, but also that it can't customize any of that...

The history is not persistent though, it is restricted to that shell. 
Still, this might explain why it never bothered anyone enough to fix 
things properly. ;)


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