Python 3.2 bug? Reading the last line of a file

Jussi Piitulainen jpiitula at
Thu May 26 01:09:34 EDT 2011

tkpmep at writes:

> Looking through the docs did not clarify my understanding of the
> issue. Why can I not split on '\t' when reading in binary mode?

You can split on b'\t' to get a list of byteses, which you can then
decode if you want them as strings.

You can decode the bytes to get a string and then split on '\t' to get

 >>> b'tic\ttac\ttoe'.split(b'\t')
 [b'tic', b'tac', b'toe']
 >>> b'tic\ttac\ttoe'.decode('utf-8').split('\t')
 ['tic', 'tac', 'toe']

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