turn monitor off and on

harrismh777 harrismh777 at charter.net
Sun May 15 21:48:37 EDT 2011

Gregory Ewing wrote:
> I'm not so sure about that. If the monitor is an LCD and isn't
> doing anything to reduce its own power usage, then the backlight
> is still running and using just as much power, whether the screen
> is black or not.

Depends on dpmi.  Some monitors turn off the backlight, and some don't. 
My monitor(s) that are LCD turn off the backlight... and the downside of 
that (very annoying) is that they have to 'warm up' again... making them 
dim for the first few seconds of use...

An LED flat panel is a completely different animal, because there is no 
backlight (no ccfl). They monitors don't use much power in the first 
place, but they use less when they're blank, obviously, not producing light.

kind regards,
m harris

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