What other languages use the same data model as Python?

harrismh777 harrismh777 at charter.net
Wed May 4 17:49:25 EDT 2011

Hans Georg Schaathun wrote:
> That does not in any way impugn C..;.
> :  quite the contrary, given enough time,  C is better suited for modeling
> :  on a von Neumann processor, period.
> What has that got to do with abstraction?

Everything, really.

Folks seem to think that because they are doing abstraction at a 
high-level (well, they never maybe programmed at a lower level) that 
abstraction somehow 'requires' a high level language.  (not true)

Back in the day, our abstractions were encapsulated not in source, but 
in psuedo-code, flow-charts, diagrams, and sometimes pretty pictures. It 
all ended up in assembly and machine code.

Today, high-level languages like Python (and others) allow programmers 
to place some of their abstraction into their source code directly. This 
does not make the high-level language any more 'suited' to abstraction 
than any other lower-level language; because the abstraction is a mental 
process not a language feature. It all ends up in assembly and machine 

kind regards,
m harris

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