importing class objects from a pickled file

James Mills prologic at
Tue May 3 22:29:53 EDT 2011

On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 10:18 AM, Catherine Moroney
<Catherine.M.Moroney at> wrote:
> Am I explaining myself properly?  Why doesn't the code that loads the
> object from the pickled file work unless I am sitting in the same directory?
>   The code that writes the pickled file has the statement
> "from Y.X import X" statement" at the top, as does the reading code, but
> even though that import statement succeeds, the read still fails with the
> import error.

pickled objects won't work this way unless you "customize" the
way in which your class gets serialized.


Any time you want to unpickle a user class, that class must be available.

I suggest serializing to a more common format (say JSON) and re-create
your class with the data.


-- James Mills
-- "Problems are solved by method"

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