vertical ordering of functions

Roy Smith roy at
Tue May 3 20:27:38 EDT 2011

In article <mailman.1127.1304460530.9059.python-list at>,
 Jabba Laci <jabba.laci at> wrote:

> I'm just reading Robert M. Martin's book entitled "Clean Code". In Ch.
> 5 he says that a function that is called should be below a function
> that does the calling. This creates a nice flow down from top to
> bottom.

There may have been some logic to this when people read programs on 
stacks of green-bar or rolls of teletype paper.  These days, we have 
better tools.

When I'm reading some code and see a function call I want to explore, I 
search for the function name in my text editor.  People who use an IDE 
can probably just click on the function name.  In either case, the tool 
takes me where I need to go.  I'm generally completely unaware whether 
it's taken be forward or backward in the file.

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