Why do directly imported variables behave differently than those attached to imported module?

harrismh777 harrismh777 at charter.net
Tue May 3 13:24:43 EDT 2011

Dun Peal wrote:
>      # module foo.py
>      var = 0
>      def set():
>          global var
>          var = 1

My two cents to add in addition to the correct accounts of [ Daniel, 
Chris, Mel] is that you might have a misunderstanding of var, generally.

Python has no variables--- in the way you think of them in other 
languages. Python only has references.

Var is not 'set' in the classical sense of the word...

var is a 'reference' (think C pointer, sort-of) to an object...   '0' 
and '1' are objects of type int and

var=0   means create a reference to object  int('0') called var.

a=b=0   a is a reference to object '0'
         b is a reference to object '0'

         a does not reference b

This rest of the discussion has to do with name spaces:



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