super() in class defs?

Jess Austin jess.austin at
Wed May 25 13:54:11 EDT 2011

I may be attempting something improper here, but maybe I'm just going
about it the wrong way. I'm subclassing
http.server.CGIHTTPRequestHandler, and I'm using a decorator to add
functionality to several overridden methods.

def do_decorate(func):
.   def wrapper(self):
.       if appropriate():
.           return func()
.       complain_about_error()
.   return wrapper

class myHandler(CGIHTTPRequestHandler):
.   @do_decorate
.   def do_GET(self):
.       return super().do_GET()
.   # also override do_HEAD and do_POST

My first thought was that I could just replace that whole method
definition with one line:

class myHandler(CGIHTTPRequestHandler):
.   do_GET = do_decorate(super().do_GET)

That generates the following error:

SystemError: super(): __class__ cell not found

So I guess that when super() is called in the context of a class def
rather than that of a method def, it doesn't have the information it
needs. Now I'll probably just say:

    do_GET = do_decorate(CGIHTTPRequestHandler.do_GET)

but I wonder if there is a "correct" way to do this instead? Thanks!

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