using simplejson.dumps to encode a dictionary to json

MRAB python at
Tue Mar 15 16:25:41 EDT 2011

On 15/03/2011 19:56, Aaron wrote:
> If I print authreq_data to screen  I get
> {"req": {"username": "######", "password": "#####", "productType": "CFD_Demo"}}
> Essentially I want the inner brackets to be  [ ] instead of {} but alternating on each level so it would be:
> {"req": [{"username": "######", "password": "#####", "productType": "CFD_Demo"}]}
> as per usual json.
{... } designates a dict and [...] designates a list.

If you give json the correct structure then it will give you want you

This is a dict:

     {"req": [{"username": "######", "password": "#####", "productType": 

The value for the key "req" is a list:

     [{"username": "######", "password": "#####", "productType": 

which contains a dict:

     {"username": "######", "password": "#####", "productType": "CFD_Demo"}

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