changing to function what works like a function

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Mon Mar 7 16:24:28 EST 2011

On 3/7/2011 1:12 PM, Victor Paraschiv wrote:
> Well, thank you all for being honest ☺
> What I conclude is that you, the programmers, don’t really care about
> those who are new to programming:

Whereas you exhibit your care for humanity by casually slandering those 
who offer you a gift. Grow up. Seriously.

 > I think it is simpler to be able to write: real(z), just as you
> write: sin(z), abs(z), (z)^2 etc.

Your mirror image counterparts complain about the latter, saying that 
Python should be consistent and have us write z.sin(), z.abs(), and 
z.exp(2), etc.

Python is intentionally a mixed syntax and mixed paradigm language. Some 
people find the mixture to be an advantage. If you want a pure language, 
try something else.

Terry Jan Reedy

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