Extending dict (dict's) to allow for multidimensional dictionary

TomF tomf.sessile at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 11:35:50 EST 2011

On 2011-03-05 12:05:43 -0800, Paul Rubin said:

> Ravi <ra.ravi.rav at gmail.com> writes:
>> I can extend dictionary to allow for the my own special look-up
>> tables. However now I want to be able to define multidimensional
>> dictionary which supports look-up like this:
>> d[1]['abc'][40] = 'dummy'
> Why do that anyway?  You can use a tuple as a subscript:
>    d[1,'abc',40] = 'dummy'

Depends on the use cases.  If you only want to access d by a full 
tuple, that's fine.  If you want to access all the entries below d[1], 
it's a problem.  And if you want to access entities randomly by an 
arbitrary dimension, you probably want a database (as others have 
pointed out).


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