What do I need to know in order to write a web application in python?

Corey Richardson kb1pkl at aim.com
Fri Mar 4 15:48:17 EST 2011

On 03/04/2011 03:34 PM, ErichCart ErichCart wrote:
> It is just that I want to better my python skills by doing this.
> I have heard about Django, can't this be done with Django?

As you described it? Absolutely not [1]. When thinking of Django, think
more of Ruby on Rails or something vaguely along the lines of PHP. If
you want to improve your Python skills, this is a poor project unless
you already have plenty of experience designing fairly complex systems
with many interoperating parts.

Take all the things you did in school for C etc. and implement them in
Python. That's a good start, so you're more familiar with the language
compared to the ones you currently know. And then you can try a web app
with Django, but I suggest Pyramid instead.

Corey Richardson

[1] - Well, kinda. You could have Django driving the back-end and maybe
use AJAX and have the client poll the server every second or so for a
change in the game state, but that'd be needlessly complex and
resource-consuming compared to other systems.

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