Convert ctypes 16 bit c_short array to a 32 bit numpy array

Wanderer wanderer at
Thu Mar 24 15:14:24 EDT 2011

I'm using ctypes to have a dll fill a buffer with 16 bit data. I then
want to convert this data to a numpy array. The code snippet below
converts the data from 16 bit to 32 bit, but two 16 bit numbers are
concatenated to make a 32 bit number and half the array is zero.

        Buffer = (c_short * byteSize)() = cast(pointer(Buffer), c_void_p)
        perr =
        image1 = np.frombuffer(Buffer, int)
        xdim =
        ydim =
        image2 = image1.reshape(xdim, ydim)

image2 looks like

[[6291555 6357091 6160481 ..., 6488160 6226020 6553697]
 [6488163 6422625 6684770 ..., 6422624 6553697 6553696]
 [6488160 6357091 6226018 ..., 6815842 6422627 6553696]
 [      0       0       0 ...,       0       0       0]
 [      0       0       0 ...,       0       0       0]
 [      0       0       0 ...,       0       0       0]]

How do convert 16 bit data to 32 bit data?

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