Something is rotten in Denmark...

harrismh777 harrismh777 at
Fri Jun 3 16:38:36 EDT 2011

Alain Ketterlin wrote:
> The reason why we have the kind of lambdas we have in python (and
> scheme, and javascript, etc.) is just that it is way easier to
> implement. That's all I've said. And people have gotten used to it,
> without ever realizing they are using something completely different
> from what Church called the "lambda abstraction".

    This is why I'm willing to accept Terry's 'hypnotized' 
accreditation. The term 'lambda' carries some baggage with it that 
python has chosen to ignore. Using the term 'lambda' as short-hand for 
'an easier way to code in-line functions' causes some of the hypnotizing 
effect, and much of the misunderstanding.

    Frankly, having thought this over for several days, I am now 
convinced the the issue at hand is two-fold:  1) the closure should 
provide option(s) for snap-shot, and 2) the lambda should be implemented 
in a 'purely' functional way or eliminated... if eliminated another 
synonym could be invented to represent in-line function short-hand.

    This is clearing up for me... but probably just beginning to simmer 
for others.

kind regards,
m harris

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