How to form a dict out of a string by doing regex ?

Satyajit Sarangi writetosatyajit at
Wed Jun 15 10:42:44 EDT 2011

data = "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (-8.9648437500000000
-4.1308593750000000), POINT (2.0214843750000000 -2.6367187500000000),
POINT (-1.4062500000000000 -11.1621093750000000), POINT
(-11.9531250000000000,-10.8984375000000000), POLYGON
((-21.6210937500000000 1.8457031250000000,2.4609375000000000
2.1972656250000000, -18.9843750000000000 -3.6914062500000000,
-22.6757812500000000 -3.3398437500000000, -22.1484375000000000
-2.6367187500000000, -21.6210937500000000
1.8457031250000000)),LINESTRING (-11.9531250000000000
11.3378906250000000, 7.7343750000000000 11.5136718750000000,
12.3046875000000000 2.5488281250000000, 12.2167968750000000
1.6699218750000000, 14.5019531250000000 3.9550781250000000))"

This is my string .
How do I traverse through it and form 3 dicts of Point , Polygon and
Linestring containing the co-ordinates ?

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