
harrismh777 harrismh777 at charter.net
Wed Jun 8 12:10:46 EDT 2011

hi folks,
I've installed 3.2 and 2.7.1 on a second development notebook from 
sources.  3.2 was smooth, and 2.7.1 make test failed test_popen.

All other tests either passed or were skipped for valid reasons. I do 
not remember 3.2 failing popen... so I'm wondering about 2.7? I'm 
assuming (without test yet) that test_popen checks the ability of the 
interpreter to use its subprocess class...  , so this might be a 
problem. ... is true?

I typically experiment with the python shell (idle -n) with no 
subprocess, but would like to experiment with subprocess on both 3.2 and 
2.7./  What am I missing here, if anything?

PS a very large number of tests are skipped in 2.7.1/ this was a 
surprise for me... one was for ssl and another for bzip2.  I use both, 
so I'm not sure why python interpreter is skipping the test. An 
interesting message at the end of make test says something like 'unusual 
skip for ssl and bzip2 on linux2.   hmmm.

kind regards,
m harris

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