Released: Python 2.6.7

Barry Warsaw barry at
Fri Jun 3 20:18:31 EDT 2011

Hello Pythoneers and Pythonistas,

I'm happy to announce the final release of Python 2.6.7.

Python 2.6 is in security-fix only mode.  This means that general bug
maintenance has ended, and only critical security issues are being fixed.
We will support Python 2.6 in security-fix only mode until October 2013.
Also, this is a source-only release; no installers for Windows or Mac OS X
will be provided.

Please download the source from:

The NEWS file contains the list of changes since 2.6.6:

Many thanks go out to the entire Python community for their contributions and
help in making Python 2.6.7 available.

(on behalf of the Python development community)
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