WxPython versus Tkinter.

Octavian Rasnita orasnita at gmail.com
Wed Jan 26 12:19:17 EST 2011

From: "Emile van Sebille" <emile at fenx.com>
>> Well, I didn't know this, and it is a valid reason.
>> This means that it is true that there is no enough maintainance force to
>> keep WxPython updated.
>> Did I understand correctly?
> Not at all -- wxPython is an active funded ongoing project. Review the 
> roadmap at http://wiki.wxpython.org/TentativeRoadmap and particularly 
> the final paragraph on Python3.x support.
> Emile

But somebody said that the core Python developers, or Guido said that WxPython won't be included in the core distribution because it doesn't have a strong team of maintainers... with other words but this was the idea.

So I still don't understand why WxPython can't be a good solution.

If WxPython is well maintained, let's pretend that the maintainers solved that bug that make the apps give a segfault, and let's pretend that it works under Python 3.

Can it be a good choice for replacing Tkinter?

I don't know why, but I have a feeling that even in these cases WxPython is still not wanted and I don't understand why.

I can see that the people try to find some false arguments like the one that WxPython is bigger than Tkinter, but really, who cares today about a few aditional megabytes?
What do you think it is more important, to offer accessibility for most of the users, or to create small applications?
(Note that I didn't say that Tkinter should be forbidden, so if somebody in some edge cases need to make a very small program, he/she could do it very well.)

So I still don't understand why WxPython wouldn't be prefered even all its problems would be solved.


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