Converting functions

iu2 israelu at
Mon Jan 24 02:02:25 EST 2011

Hi all,

I'm trying to convert functions - pass a few functions to a converting
function, which change their behaviour and return the changed

>>> def cfuncs(*funcs):
	n = []
	for f in funcs:
		def ff(*args, **key):
			print 'Start!', f.func_name
			res = f(*args, **key)
			print 'End', f.func_name
			return res
	return n

then I try it using two functions:

>>> def f1():
	print 'hello'

>>> def f2(x):
	return 2 * x

>>> newfuncs = cfuncs(f1, f2)

I would expect newfuncs to hold changed versions of f1 and f2, but
what is actually contained in newfuncs is twice the changed version of

That is:

>>> newfuncs[1](100)
Start! f2
End f2

which is what I expected,


>>> newfuncs[0]()
Start! f2

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#267>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<pyshell#261>", line 6, in ff
    res = f(*args, **key)
TypeError: f2() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)

which is not.

I'll appreciate your help in pointing out the mistake in defining
cfuncs and how to fix it.
Thank you very much!

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