[ANN] Benchmarker 3.0.1 released - a small benchmark utility

Makoto Kuwata kwa at kuwata-lab.com
Sat Feb 12 20:37:39 EST 2011


I released Benchmarker 3.0.1.

Benchmarker is a small utility to benchmark your code.

*NOTICE* This release doesn't have compatibility with release 2.0.0.




    ## if you have installed easy_install:
    $ sudo easy_install Benchmarker
    ## or download Benchmarker-3.0.1.tar.gz and install it
    $ wget http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/B/Benchmarker/Benchmarker-3.0.1.tar.gz
    $ tar xzf Benchmarker-3.0.1.tar.gz
    $ cd Benchmarker-3.0.1/
    $ sudo python setup.py install



    from benchmarker import Benchmarker, cmdopt

    s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 = "Haruhi", "Mikuru", "Yuki", "Itsuki", "Kyon"
    with Benchmarker(width=20, loop=1000*1000) as bm:
        for _ in bm.empty():     ## empty loop
        for _ in bm('join'):
            sos = ''.join((s1, s2, s3, s4, s5))
        for _ in bm('concat'):
            sos = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5
        for _ in bm('format'):
            sos = '%s%s%s%s%s' % (s1, s2, s3, s4, s5)

Output example::

    $ python ex0.py -h    # show help message of command-line optins
    $ python ex0.py
    ## benchmarker:       release 3.0.1 (for python)
    ## python platform:   darwin [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664)]
    ## python version:    2.7.1
    ## python executable: /usr/local/python/2.7.1/bin/python

    ##                       user       sys     total      real
    (Empty)                0.1600    0.0000    0.1600    0.1639
    join                   0.6500    0.0000    0.6500    0.6483
    concat                 0.5700    0.0000    0.5700    0.5711
    format                 0.7600    0.0000    0.7600    0.7568

    ## Ranking               real
    concat                 0.5711 (100.0%) *************************
    join                   0.6483 ( 88.1%) **********************
    format                 0.7568 ( 75.5%) *******************

    ## Ratio Matrix          real    [01]    [02]    [03]
    [01] concat            0.5711  100.0%  113.5%  132.5%
    [02] join              0.6483   88.1%  100.0%  116.7%
    [03] format            0.7568   75.5%   85.7%  100.0%

Notice that empty loop times (user, sys, total, and real) are
subtracted from other benchmark times automatically.
For example::

     benchmark label        real (second)
     join                   0.6483 (= 0.8122 - 0.1639)
     concat                 0.5711 (= 0.7350 - 0.1639)
     format                 0.7568 (= 0.9207 - 0.1639)

See http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Benchmarker/ for details.

Changes on release 3.0.1

* License is changed again to Public Domain.

* Change Task class to pass 1-origin index to yield block when 'for _ in bm()' .

* Fix a bug that 'for _ in bm()' raised error when loop count was not specified.

* Fix a bug that 'for _ in bm()' raised RuntimeError on Python 3.

Changes on release 3.0.0

* Rewrite entirely.

* Enhanced to support command-line options. ::

      import benchmarker

  You can show all command-line options by ``python file.py -h``.
  See README file for details.

* Benchmarker.repeat() is obsolete. ::

      ## Old (obsolete)
      with Benchmarker() as bm:
          for b in bm.repeat(5, 1):
              with b('bench1'):

      ## New
      for bm in Benchmarker(repeat=5, extra=1):
          with bm('bench1'):

* Changed to specify time (second) format. ::

      import benchmarker
      benchmarker.format.label_with = 30
      benchmarker.format.time       = '%9.4f'

* Followings are removed.

  * Benchmark.stat
  * Benchmark.compared_matrix()
  * Benchmark.print_compared_matrix()

Have fun!

makoto kuwata

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