Daemon management

Lie Ryan lie.1296 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 27 12:23:05 EST 2011

On 12/27/2011 12:43 PM, Fredrik Tolf wrote:
> Dear list,
> Lately, I've had a personal itch to scratch, in that I run a couple of
> Python programs as daemons, and sometimes want to inspect or alter them
> in ad-hoc ways, or other times need to do things to them that are less
> ad-hoc in nature, but nevertheless lack a natural user interface.
> In order to solve that problem, I wrote a small library to allow the
> daemon to simply listen to some socket and accept arbitrary, but easily
> definable, commands. It also provides a "remote REPL" to allow me to run
> arbitrary Python code interactively in the context of the daemon.
> I was actually a bit surprised that I couldn't find any obvious existing
> solution to the problem, so I'm writing this message in order to share
> mine, just in case anyone else would happen to have the same problem as
> I had and doesn't want to reinvent the wheel yet again:

This is possible through the use of a debugger. I've never used it, but 
I heard good thing of winpdb which has remote debugging. 

Another tool that I've never used is rconsole, part of rfoo library, 
which appears to be similar to pdm; it is also intended for the same 
kind of problem, managing long-running-processes/daemons.

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