installing matplotlib in MacOs 10.6.8.

Ned Deily nad at
Mon Dec 26 09:54:41 EST 2011

In article 
<CAMW75Yv5f=PdcZqt-ti=iee7gxGfzqP8jXh485zjohd9L63vvA at>,
 Alex Ter-Sarkissov <ater1980 at> wrote:
> hi everyone, I run python 2.7.2. in Eclipse (recently upgraded from 2.6). I
> have a problem with installing matplotlib (I found the version for python
> 2.7. MacOs 10.3, no later versions). If I run python in terminal using arch
> -i386 python, and then
> from matplotlib.pylab import *
> and similar stuff, everything works fine. If I run python in eclipse or
> just without arch -i386, I can import matplotlib as
> from matplotlib import  *
> but actually nothing gets imported. If I do it in the same way as above, I
> get the message
> no matching architecture in universal wrapper
> which means there's conflict of versions or something like that. I tried
> reinstalling the interpreter and adding matplotlib to forced built-ins, but
> nothing helped. For some reason I didn't have this problem with numpy and
> tkinter.

The message means almost certainly means that the Python you are using 
is a 64-bit/32-bit universal version.  When you launch Python with -arch 
i386, you force the Python to run in 32-bit mode so it is compatible 
with the 32-bit-only version of matplotlib you've installed in it.  When 
you launch Python by default, it is runnning in 64-bit mode so the 
32-bit-only C extension modules in that version of matplotlib cannot be 
loaded.  You might want to ask the matplotlib developers to make a 
64-bit version available.  In the mean time, you could try to configure 
Eclipse to invoke the python with `python2.7-32`, which is included with 
distributions like the one to force Python to run in 32-bit 
mode on OS X.

 Ned Deily,
 nad at

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