Anyone still using Python 2.5?

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at
Thu Dec 22 02:05:10 EST 2011

Dennis Lee Bieber, 21.12.2011 17:48:
> On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 07:15:46 +0000, Chris Withers wrote:
>> What's the general consensus on supporting Python 2.5 nowadays?
>> Do people still have to use this in commercial environments or is
>> everyone on 2.6+ nowadays?
> I was recently laid-off from a program that is still using Python 2.3  [...]

That reminds me: we shouldn't forget about embedded Python installations. 
They are usually somewhere between "very hard" and "impossible" to upgrade, 
also because they often use vendor supplied binary packages for plugin 
APIs. I've recently seen that in a FrontArena installation (basically a 
trading platform) that had an embedded Py2.3 for scripting. It wasn't 
exactly the cutting-edge release, but the users of these platforms tend to 
be pretty conservative with their upgrades, and the time it takes the 
vendor to upgrade to a new embedded Python version can be similarly long. 
That means it can take several years before an embedded 2.7 hits the end 
users, during which anything can happen, from "vendor switches from Python 
to Lua" to "vendor goes bankrupt" (or maybe just one after the other).


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